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Seymour Rosofsky

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Head and torso of child with pacifier surrounded by birds and small airplanes at center of room
Seymour Rosofsky
Sketch of three standing people with mobility canes and sunglasses with colorful background
Seymour Rosofsky
Black-and-white print of three people with white canes near trees and circular shapes on ground
Seymour Rosofsky
Man with mechanical arm in a suit and bowler hat, and faint representation of a nude figure at right
Seymour Rosofsky
Room with human shapes cut into a wall revealing brick and a floating figure of a couple embracing
Seymour Rosofsky
ca. 1963
Man in tophat kneeling in front of open coffin holding hand of ghost-like figure with veil
Seymour Rosofsky
Man in tophat kneeling in front of open coffin holding hand of ghost-like figure with veil
Seymour Rosofsky
Black-and-white print of a small town in a rocky, hilly landscape
Seymour Rosofsky
Red interior scene with baby in crib in center, piano and open doorway behind, wheelchair to right
Seymour Rosofsky
Interior scene with cartoon-like figures of nude woman and monstrous figures below devouring cloth
Seymour Rosofsky
Person in dress and glasses cutting cake shaped like house with faint outline of person at right
Seymour Rosofsky
Two mechanical figures bend over toward a hybrid fireplace-piano, with baby and flies in foreground
Seymour Rosofsky
Football player kicks a head while a cheerleader watches; another head lies on ground
Seymour Rosofsky
Abstract humanlike figure, with a gray monstrous figure wrapped around him, and toy soldiers below
Seymour Rosofsky
Girl jumps rope next to seated girl and fountain; the scene enclosed by muraled walls
Seymour Rosofsky
ca. 1968
Four adults–two standing and two sitting–around a garden pool with three toy sailboats
Seymour Rosofsky
Three figures drawn in a sketchy style, shown in a pool; two of them play chess
Seymour Rosofsky
Brightly colored scene of people in a pool, some riding pool toys, with a man in a suit on the side
Seymour Rosofsky
Room with two bearded figures in a small boat with pool floats and miniature sailboats
Seymour Rosofsky
Sunset behind two bearded figures in pool with floating miniature sailboats and an oar
Seymour Rosofsky
Urban scene with human figures with wheels looking at multi-limbed monsters in empty pool
Seymour Rosofsky
Bearded person in profile wearing a helmet with objects sticking out and wheel or shield in his hand
Seymour Rosofsky
Man with camera films girl riding bear, surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd and large cage on right
Seymour Rosofsky
ca. 1968
Small human figure in oversized clothes and, on right, a bald man greeted by dogs in front of door
Seymour Rosofsky
ca. 1969
Beach scene with man operating a guillotine on himself next to seated nude woman
Seymour Rosofsky
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